Sunday, October 21, 2012

PME Technology Integration

This blog is intended to share information for the busy teachers at Pine Meadow Elementary School on integrating technology. There will be video links, iPad resources, helpful tips, and tech directions.

I'd like to begin with one of my favorite elementary teacher websites (well, actually it was created for media specialists, but I think the elementary teacher will find it an awesome resource).
This is a wiki that lists all the best in web tools, from audio and podcasting to word processing and productivity tools and everything in between! The links are listed in categories, and each category has a great description of what they are, 5 best tools in this category to testdrive, and then a long listing of additional similar resources.

One of my favorites is the listing on Drawing, Charting and Mapping Tools. The top five include:

  • ToonDoo Create a comic strip or whole comic book. Lots of backgrounds, characters and styles to choose from.
  • Create a Graph Generate 5 different kinds of graphs from your own data
  • MindMeister A collaborative online mindmapping tool.
  • Gliffy Draw, share and edit flow charts, diagrams, technical drawings.
  • Scriblink An online collaborative whiteboard

Here are some reasons you might want to use them:

  • Help students create diagrams and drawings for reports and multimedia projects
  • Encourage students to create book covers and images for book reports
  • Brainstorm research projects
  • Diagram workflow for media center projects
  • Manage projects
  • Diagram stories and books - recall, sequencing, etc.
  • Graph data collected in polls and surveys for distribution to stakeholders
  • Analyze data
  • Help students understand and present data they have collected
  • Design presentations
  • Help students and teachers design effective presentations
  • Help students see relationships, cause and effect, sequences, timelines, chain of events
  • Teach vocabulary
  • Help students appreciate illustrations and illustrators and understand illustraton techniques
  • Provide tools for students to illustrate stories and reports
  • Develop spacial relationships
  • Planning and editing written reports, multimedia projects, research
  • Develop visual literacy
  • Provide tools for visual learners
  • Provide tools for non-verbal students to express ideas
  • Provide tools for non-English speaking students to express ideas
  • Generate ideas
  • Design and guide complex projects
  • Communicate complex ideas
  • Integrate old and new knowledge
  • Assess understanding
  • Diagnose misunderstanding
  • Plan library media center programs
  • Assess media center programs
  • Provide tools for digital storytelling
  • Create images and cartoons for the school library media center website
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